Рубрика: Պատում


Ձմեռը իր հետ ձյուն է բերում երեխաներին դուրս է հանում։

Մեր երեխաներ շատ են սիրում Նոր տարին։

Երեխաները շատ են սիրում Նոր տարի խաղում են դրսում ձնագնդիկ։

Ռետինի պես ջնջեցիր ամառը։

Рубрика: English



Winter is the coldest season of the year. The sun comes out very late on winter mornings. It snows in winter. It is the children’s favourite time of the year. They like to be outdoors. They can play, skate, sled, make a snowman. It is a jolly season. People wear warm clothes like jumpers,  sweaters, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats and so on. The most favourite holidays are also in winter Christmas and New Year. Most animals sleep in winter- bears, hedgehogs, snakes, bats.

Рубрика: English


Winter  Is my favourite season. I love everything about it. Winter also has the best holidays.

Рубрика: English




Winter is the coldest season of the year. The sun comes out very late on winter mornings. It snows in winter. It is children’s favourite time of the year. They like to be outdoors. They can play, skate, sledge, make a snowman. It is a jolly season. People wear warm clothes like jumpers,  sweaters, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats and so on. The most favourite holidays are also in winter Christmas and New Year. Most animals sleep in  winter- bears, hedgehogs, snakes, rats.

Անծանոթ բառեր

time- ժամանակ

sledge սահնակ, սահնակով գնալ


clothes- հագուստ

holiday-տոն, արձակուրդ

hedgehog- ոզնի



1. It is... in winter. 

a) hot

b) warm

c) cold

2.  It snows in…

a) summer

b) winter

c) spring

3. Where do the children like to be?

a) outdoors

b) indoors

c) at the sports ground

4. What clothes are winter clothes?

a) shorts, sandals, T-shirts

b) gloves, jumpers, sweaters

c) raincoats, shoes, blouses

5. What animals go to sleep in winter?

a) bears, snakes, rats

b) sheep, cows, pigs

c) lions, tigers, crocodiles